In Memory of

Tim Schug

We honor the incredible life of Tim Schug. He was faithfully involved at Clydehurst for over 50 years and his legacy continues on through his contributions to the facilities and vision of this ministry. Tim’s son, Nathan Schug, is the Operations Director at Clydehurst. Tim went to heaven after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. It was his wishes that any gifts in his honor would be given to Clydehurst Christian Ranch.


After you click the button above, you’ll be able to indicate that you’d like to give in Tim’s honor and have the chance to send a quick note to Tim’s family. Please send your words of encouragement to

Your tax-deductible gift helps Clydehurst reach thousands of lives with the love of Jesus. Clydehurst is a debt-free 501c3 non-profit ministry and your dollars go a long way. 
Click on any of the links below, or CLICK HERE, and choose where you’d like to give on the pull down menu that will be provided.
If you’d like to send to a check, make your check payable to Clydehurst. Make sure that if you want to designate your gift to specific campaign that you do so in the check memo. If there is no memo, your gift will be added to the general fund.
Thank you so much for considering a donation to Clydehurst!

Clydehurst Christian Ranch
328 S. Shiloh Road
Suite 1
Billings, MT 59106

Ways to Invest This Year

Information for all of these items is listed below.
Dining Hall/Shower House Project, Fire Suppression/Recreation Pond, Send a Kid to Camp,
General Fund, In-Kind Gifts, Historic Cabin Preservation, and Charitable Estate Planning.

General Fund

Clydehurst has been debt-free for decades. Your investment in the General Fund is used for the day to day operations of camp as well as monthly allocating to maintenance funds. Each month the vehicle maintenance fund, building maintenance fund, new equipment, etc. are all funded. We do not buy anything without the cash first.
This would be a good place to give if you’d like to invest in the area where the camp decides is the most needed.

Fire Suppression/ Recreation Pond Project

Pond Project

Because of the incredible amount of wildfires in the American west over the last few years, insurance companies have deemed camps like ours, that are surrounded by forest, uninsurable to wildfire insurance. We lost our insurance on August 7th.
This pond will include pumps for fire suppression and will be a water-source for firefighters. The silver-lining is a beautiful pond that we can use to teach canoeing, kayaking, and paddle-boarding. We also plan to stock it with trout once our application is approved so we can teach fishing. We are also excited for ice skating and broom-ball at our winter camps.

Work on the pond has begun!

Dining Hall/ Shower House Project

We have outgrown our dining hall and kitchen. This project will expand space for eating and the kitchen for cooking and doing dishes. It will also allow us to get the walk-in freezers inside which will cut down on maintenance costs. The project will also relocate the bathrooms and add handwashing stations in the dining hall. We will move the showers to a new winterized shower house building where campers can have more privacy to shower. This building will include ADA showers.

Dining Hall/ Shower House Project

Estimated cost of this project: $2,000,000

In-Kind Needs

An in-kind is any kind of gift other than cash. Here are a few of the new or used items camp is in need of.
Please reach out to us before you donate any of these items. If you have any questions, please email us at

Historic Cabin Preservation Project

Cabin preservation fund.

We are beginning the big job of restoring our historic cabins. If you’d like to be a part of this, you can donate directly to that fund. Thank you!

Help a Kid Go to Camp!

We don’t turn anyone away for their inability to pay their registration for youth camp. We want kids from every background and situation to be able to have a life-changing camp experience. Last summer, people like you provided over $12,000 in “campership” money so that kids could come a hear about the saving message of Jesus and have our staff love them unconditionally.

Charitable Estate Planning

If you’ve been wondering about making Clydehurst apart of our charitable estate planning and have questions, please feel free to reach out to Strategic Retirement Plans. They are just one option, you can reach out to any retirement planner that you trust.